Friday, April 17, 2015
Saw this today.
"She also said that one of the regret she that she gonna missed out on the branded bags that you promise to buy for her. She really hopes that you will keep that promise and buy it for her."
If you are refering to my post of this:
It's a joke between me and her.
And besides FYI. I said haha no lah, but must importantly is you don't have to be stuck here :-)
Which part of NO LAH you don't understand?
oh maybe you think I really wanted a branded bag from her so much -.- that you didn't understand the next part. LOL.
- this is definitely not from my friend who commented some things before that ss, you guys can go read it yourself.
- and I never said that i had any regrets
- and anon, you are so terrible at putting me at a bad light.
I want expensive presents from her?
- "No amount of money spent on you is ever 'too much' bc that's all I can do - spend on you wholeheartedly bc I can't surprise people, I can't do research for people, I can't plan shit. "
How did I ever want expensive presents from her when I always tell her i don't want?
Lol, I could have just tell her "eh buy me (this)) buy me (that) since she was willing to spend that money on me. BUT I didn't do that because I don't need her buying EXPENSIVE or even if it's cheap stuff for me.
And hey anon, are you jealous that she was willing to spend on me? And that you didn't get what you want?
Conclusion drawn. Anon loves to misuse my words, misunderstand my blog and sentense and message. How about, go get yourself some English tuition before using my words back on me?
And at this point of time with all the comments you guys post on her about me.
Well done. You just made me realized how stupid you are.
You got hate for me, Go ahead.