So I have like a list of things I wanna do this year, it's not really a bucket list but it is like a checklist I guess? HERE IT GOES: ...

So I have like a list of things I wanna do this year, it's not really a bucket list but it is like a checklist I guess?


(credits: weheartit)

1. Losing weight - I know this shit is all old but yes I think this time round it's pretty determined. I'm on week 7 already, and next week would be week 8. And so far I've lost about 4kg, and I'm pushing for another 0.5-1kg before I leave for HK next next week! I know I can do this, for myself, for my dreams. ;')


2. Doing a photoshoot with TK - I've shortlisted a few photographers (Love their works!) and all I have to wait now is me losing weight and looking good in front of the camera/photo! I reckon this would happen around end of the year but fret not, I'm gonna make it happen!!!

3. Applying for a BTO - This might come in May or that we'll have to wait again. We spotted a good old mature town BTO, location wise not too bad, 8 mins walk to MRT station, and 10 mins to vivocity, 24 mins to town, 15 mins to CBD. Like why not? This is a (maybe) on the list, not a must lah!

4. Joining a 5KM run - Yes, I'm pretty much planned out for this already! I'm planning to go for the GEWR this year with my mum and Rachel! ;) So I would start training for it, and my last results was 5km / 47 mins. I hope I can push it to under 40-45 mins for my stamina lah. =)

5. Meeting up with close friends more often - I'm surprised at how PFI have met for 2 consecutive months, and already planned our 3rd meet up of the year already. I've also met Serena last week because she asked me out last year when I was in the midst of project submission so I couldn't meet her. So I decided to meet her before her finals. ;D

*At this point of time I would love to say I wanna buy a lot of things but maybe not.*

6. Pay for my parents air tickets - I told them I would sponsor their air tickets to somewhere and they said maybe not this year so I'll just put it first lah. It's 90% chance Australia, and 10% chance Japan. I'll update about this soon.

7. Keep my YouTube channel alive - I haven't posted a video in like 2 weeks because I have been pre-occupied with planning for my HK trip. I'll upload one soon, probably a makeup video or a haul video.

8. Owning a car - Tbh this is quite impossible but erm... Let's just say if I strike lottery and I got a high pay job and yup. This might happen ;)

9. Fine dining date with TK - because we both want to try and of course, we wanna dress up for the occasion. :') Since we'll be missing our 2nd anniversary, the next would be 2.5 anniversary then?

10. Go out on a date in HEELS - I have never worn heels out with TK for our 2 years tgt. During presentations I'll go in heels, but I'll always prepare flats to change in. So yes this is something I shall achieve this year. But first I need to get a pair of heels first. Any recommendations for comfy heels?

So here's 10 things I hope to check off my list this year. ;)

I know I haven't blog about my Tokyo trip, but I guess I'm not gonna blog about it since I already did videos on it. Go watch it if you haven't done so. And drop me an email if you need to ask me anything or hit me up here!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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