*blow dust away, crack knuckles*  I'm back here, with a new theme, and I hope a better writing skill.  Life have been both...

*blow dust away, crack knuckles* 

I'm back here, with a new theme, and I hope a better writing skill. 
Life have been both good and bad so far, but I think it's so far rather awesome. 

my first time in Disneyland, it's really magical. :')

I want to tick more things off my bucket list this year. (I'm going to redo a bucket list soon.)
I also hope I can buy a DSLR this year end, if not hopefully next year first quarter, and do more v-logs, and edit more videos and earn more subscribers, and get more likes.
On top of that, I want to be healthier, and fitter. Be it losing 1kg or dropping one dress size, any progress is good. 

I'll be back with another post shortly. :')

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