Gigi & Rachel.  They are the face of PINK by VS. And honestly, I love them. They really have this PINK vibe in them lol.  It's the n...

Gigi & Rachel. 

They are the face of PINK by VS. And honestly, I love them. They really have this PINK vibe in them lol. 

It's the new year, new month, and new resolution to attain(?), achieve(?), check off(?), tick off(?) the list. Lol I can't seem to find the right words. But yes, I've been slacking off quite a bit since the start of Jan. I only managed to do 2 zumba class, and that's all. Which is bad. So I'm going to start running again tmr, which I'm very serious about. (Hope I don't fail myself) 

Other than running, I have to change my diet, if not all the effort would just go down the drain. So I'm gonna just share with you guys my progress every 4 weeks! (Cross fingers) 

1. Cut all sugar. No more milk tea!!! 
Only plain water / oolong tea / japanese green tea!!! 

2. Cut carbs for dinner! No carbs or less carbs. 

3. More protein. More vegetables and chicken breast or salmon. 

4. Run at least twice a week alongside with Zumba. 

5. Drink lots of water. 

So yes I'm gonna stick to these 5 points, and hope there is an improvement~ 

Okay bye, see you guys in 4 weeks time which is 12th Feb?????? Wahaha. 

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