Losing Weight
Sunday, December 28, 2014
I'm in my 3rd week, and it's the festive season. It's so tough to actually stay away from those unhealthy food. Sigh, I personally love Ice Cream a lot, and I ACTUALLY SAID NO to ICE CREAM. (awfully choc ice cream somemore), but I had 3 durian puff (equally sinful fml.) Well, I did workout to burn 'em off ok. *bicep emoji*
Well, I think for a start, I'm quite focused and self-motivated.
And I found @fitnesspetite on instagram and she is my motivation!! :D
I created instagram (for fitness motivation), and followed fitness tumblr, and set my thigh goals as my wallpaper, and my ultimate goal is the one that keeps me going.
- Set a dream body, a body you think it's achievable and perfect to you.
- Have supporters, people around you to support you through your journey.
- Stay motivated, and energized.
- Always keep in mind that, fats don't just disappear in a day. How much goes off is how much effort you put in.
- Treat yourself to something nice to workout in.
- Most importantly, love yourself. ❤ DO NOT USE SHORT CUTS (eg: crashing diets, or starving or pills.)
*I went to Daiso today to stock up buckwheat soba to packet to lunch as much as possible so I can stay away from Nasi Lemak and Nasi Briyani. FML. *
Nevertheless I think, cooking/preparing cleaner/healthier food for myself can be fun too. :)
Stay with me, check out my progress soon!
I think I finally know why working out is so addictive.
Sometime even though I'm so F***ing tired, I still do workouts before bed time. The sweat, is my fats crying. ;)
And this:
I really hope someday I might become this size again.
Oooh and yes, I have decided to reward myself a set of Triangl swimwear if I slim down ;)
And everyone, remember this:
And to everyone who is on the journey of shedding those unwanted fats:
oh, on a side note...
anyone knows where to get Nike Roshe Run in SG? If you do, please :