Oh my god it has been like 3 months, and well i only managed to lose like 2kg because 1. I haven't workout religiously like I did in de...

Oh my god it has been like 3 months, and well i only managed to lose like 2kg because 1. I haven't workout religiously like I did in december 2. I have stopped hearty breakfast 3. I am exhausted every day after work. OKAY ALL THIS ARE EXCUSES... 

There was this day that i went to cotton on to get a pair of shorts.. I actually just bought UK14 because.. I though i couldn't fit into UK12. BUT GUESS WHAT? UK14 IS TOOOOOO LOOSE FOR ME. So yup, I'm a UK12 bottom, and UK10~12 for tops. But my thighs are a nuisance. 
I have genetically big bones, and i look fatter/ bigger sized than anyone easily. Which is...bad. 

I stopped working out because I have been sick, and i'm not fit to do HIIT workout. But when i do, i go all out! I am positive that i can go back to 50~54kg in 1~2 years time actually but it's not the priority. I am just gonna focus on eating healthily, and working out, and running. 
I generally just want to be fitter, and fall sick lesser please~ 

Oh yeah i wear what i want! I wear a freaking crop top even if i dont have flat tummy, but well i cover it with high waisted skirt duh~ 
I have oatmeal for breakfasts, mostly. 
I drink green tea, and water when i'm outside. 

I read the labels when it comes to food in packagings. 

I read up on health / nutrition facts.

I gave up on mutton, and sometimes pork. 

I have choose fish/chicken over pork and mutton, oh gosh. 

I remove chicken skin..and i prefer boil/steam fish over fried fish (though i sometimes crave for fried fish) 

I prefer less oily food, and i get nauseous feeling eating oily/fried food. 

I cut my rice portions..or carbs in general. 

I can't wait to see my progress in another 8 weeks. 

One day, I will achieve it. :) 

Lots of love, min.

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